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How To Single Crochet (US)/Double Crochet (UK)

Updated: May 12, 2022

Today I will show you the "how to" for single crochet (which is the US terminology)/ double crochet (which is the UK terminology), since it is going be a minute before I have all my squares made & joined for the Hogs & Kisses Afghan. I promise to update you with every post as to where I'm at with it. This week, I have a commission I'm finishing up and then I will continue making squares next week on until I have them all made & joined. I'm guessing it should take me around 2 weeks to get them done.

For this tutorial I will be using a partial skein of I Love This Yarn in Rosy Cheeks & a 5.5mm hook:

Let's begin!

Step #1 - Make a Slipknot

Before starting any project, we will want to make a slipknot. A slipknot is the foundation to making any project (minus in the round, but that's a whole other post 😉). There are several ways to create a slipknot, but here is how I do it:

Step #2 - Create a Chain

After the slipknot, the chain is the next step to creating a project. It can consist of as many or as little chains as you need. Typically, a project will give you a number of chains to make plus an extra number (e.g. 24 + 1, 32 + 2, 140 + 3). The extra chain(s) are the equivalent of a turning chain. For this example, I will be doing 11 + 1.

*Please hold the yarn & hook however is comfortable for you.*

Continue doing the last 2 pictures until you have your full chain. Below is my full chain:

Step #3 - Begin the Single Crochet (US)/Double Crochet (UK)

The single crochet is one of the basics and MUST be learned in order to create all the other beautiful & unique stitches out there. Below is a table with each of the basic stitches in US terms & the conversion into UK terms:

​US Terminology

​UK Terminology

Slip Stitch

Slip Stitch

Single Crochet

Double Crochet

Half Double Crochet

Half Treble Crochet

Double Crochet

Treble Crochet

Triple/Treble Crochet

Double Treble Crochet

Now we can move on to how to create a single crochet aka SC/ double crochet aka DC. The first step is to insert the hook into the 2nd chain from the hook:

This is how to complete the 1st SC:

Now, continue across the chain:

Next, we will chain 1:

Now, turn your work & SC across until you have made your 2nd to last stitch:

Work the last stitch, chain 1, & turn the work:

Turn work & SC across:

Continue chaining 1, turning the work, & SC across until it is as long as you would like. If you ever get lost as to what row number you are on, well, let's just talk about that next! 😀

Step #4 - Determining Right Side VS Wrong Side

Everyone gets lost on their row count at one time or another. Here is a small tip to help you know right side vs wrong side, as well as even vs odd:


Now you are wise in the ways of SC! Go forth and make awesome projects! Next week, we will be discussing how to half double crochet. I look forward to you reading this & hope you are enjoying this as much as I am. 😁 Don't forget to join the blog, if you haven't already, and please leave me your thoughts! Was this helpful? Would you recommend this to others? I want to know!

Stay well & be awesome, my friends! 😎

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