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Blog World

Updated: Apr 22, 2022

The Wonderful World of Crochet Blogs & The Patterns Available Within

Today I thought we could veer away from the Hogs & Kisses Afghan (No worries, though, we'll get back to it next week.) and delve into some other projects I'm either working on or have completed by/for other blogs & creators. Afterall, we're all still crocheters looking for that next project whether we design or not. 😉

So, let's begin!

Blog #1: The Unraveled Mitten

So, I stumbled upon this one last year when I was searching for a CAL (Crochet-A-Long) to join. I began the 2021 Stash-busting CAL with the full intention of completing it. I decided on using sunflower type colors as the first couple squares had a garden feel to them & thought it would fit. However, I have only completed 11 squares so far since commissions & other projects have gotten in the way. I do plan on finishing it at some point, though. Below are a the first four squares I have finished for the CAL. If you are interested, it can be found here.

I have also started the CAL for this year (which can be found here )....well, three of them. 😅 This year's CAL is a row by row rather than individual squares. I have to say, I love this one much better than last years. Again, I'm using yarn I already have for each one. The first is one for my daughter & it is shades of blue, purple, and gray. The placement is 100% picked by her.

The next one is for me. I call it my D&D (Dungeons & Dragons for those who have never played) blanket since I have numbered the colors & choose the placement by rolling a D12 (12 sided dice) to pick each color. It's rather fun and, if you are in the Crochet Beginner's Group on Facebook, you have seen some of the stories I've created to go with it.

The final one is for my husband. He picked the colors, which are blues and black...gray if I run out of something, & gave me full rights to picking the placement. I still have Part 3 to finish for his, but it will be done before next month's Part 4.

Pretty cool, huh? Well, it's not too late to join in! If you do decide to join, feel free to email or tag me in your makes! You can find me email at the bottom of the page OR, if you choose to tag me, you can do so on Instagram with @lanatibidesigns or #stayawesomex10.

Blog #2: Crystals & Crochet

This next blog I discovered via a fellow crocheter. I was looking for a center out Afghan with a flower look and was directed here. Let tell you, if you haven't discovered the variety in beauty available on this site, you must visit. There are Afghans (both paid and free), pillows, shawls, and much more!

As for me, I settled on the Sacred Space Afghan (mine is pictured above). It's center out, has a flower-like design, and is be-a-UTIFUL!! For the yarn, I went with Yarn Bee Chloe in Spring Petals (found at Hobby Lobby or here). Mostly because I had purchased it for a different project and I couldn't use it for said project, BUT also because it beautiful and soooo soft. If you ever choose to use it, I must foreworn you: it's a size 4 yarn and roving. This means it varies heavily in thickness, therefore making some sections thin like a 2 or 3 and others thicker like a 4. I have made this project a Pickaway Project, meaning I will pick away at it in between other projects. 😉

Again, if you choose to do any of her projects, feel free to email or tag me in your makes!

Blog #3: BearRye Crochet & Knottie Hooks

The final two blogs are connected via another CAL: the Love & Joy CAL. Bearrye Crochet & Knottie Hooks hosted this CAL last year for Christmas and it was pretty fun to do. For this one, I participated by designing two different squares for others to make. You can find them on my main page, as well as all of my other published patterns, here. Heads up: the links will take you directly to the pattern's page on Ravelry.

Now, let's discuss my squares, both of which I'm rather proud of. The first is the Love & Joy Square. I came up with this design by solely basing it on the theme of the CAL & I was only allowed gold, red, & green.

The second one is Cardinal in The Window Square. I love cardinals, especially at wintertime. Personally, they are the memory of my father-in-law as well as my grandmother, so they are especially dear to me. Anyway, I created this one using some unique methods. It turned out just like in my head, which is an awesome feeling!

Please email or tag me in any of your makes for these!

There's More!

To sum it up, there are a great many blogs to be discovered. All you need is some time and patience and, you never know, maybe the project you've been looking for is just waiting to be discovered!

Make sure to mention me if you join The Unraveled Mitten's or Crystals & Crochet's groups. Oh, and you can purchase the ENTIRE Love & Crochet bundle, which has every single pattern for the CAL in one place, here. As a head's up, it is an affiliate link, so I will make a small amount from your purchase.

Have any blogs you absolutely love? Comment them below! Oh, and don't forget to join the blog to stay up-to-date with future posts!

Be well and stay awesome! 😎

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